lunes, 7 de octubre de 2013

This is a list of notable idioms in the English language.
An idiom is a common word or phrase with a culturally understood meaning that differs from what its composite words' denotations would suggest. For example, an English speaker would understand the phrase "kick the bucket" to mean "to die" – as well as to actually kick a bucket. Furthermore, they would understand when each meaning is being used in context. An idiom is not to be confused with other figures of speech such as a metaphor, which invokes an image by use of implicit comparisons (e.g."the man of steel" ); a simile, which invokes an image by use of explicit comparisons (e.g."faster than a speeding bullet"); and hyperbole, which exaggerates an image beyond truthfulness (e.g., like "missed by a mile" ). Idioms are also not to be confused with proverbs, which are simple sayings that express a truth based on common sense or practical experience.
For a more complete list see Wiktionary's Category.
Notable Idioms In English
"A bitter pill"[1]A situation or information that is unpleasant but must be accepted.
"A dime a dozen"[2]Anything that is common, inexpensive, and easy to get or available any where.
"Ace in the hole"[3]A hidden or secret strength, or unrevealed advantage.
"Achilles' heel"[4]A metaphor for a fatal weakness in spite of overall strength.
"Add insult to injury"[5]To further a loss with mockery or indignity; to worsen an unfavorable situation.
"All ears"[6]Listening intently; fully focused or awaiting an explanation.
"All thumbs"[7]Clumsy, awkward.
"At the drop of a hat"Without any hesitation; instantly.
"Barking up the wrong tree"[8]Looking in the wrong place.[note 1]
"Basket case"One made powerless or ineffective, as by nerves, panic, or stress.[note 2]
"Beat around the bush"To treat a topic, but omit its main points, often intentionally or to delay or avoid talking about something difficult or unpleasant.
"Bite off more than one can chew"To take on more responsibility than you can manage.
"Bite the bullet"To endure a painful or unpleasant situation that is unavoidable.
"Bite the dust"Euphemism for dying or death.
"Break a leg"[9]A saying from the theatre that means "good luck."
"Burn the midnight oil"[10]To work late into the night, alluding to the time before electric lighting.[note 3]
"Bust one's chops"[11]To say things intended to harass.[note 4]
"By the seat of one's pants"[12]To achieve through instinct or do something without advance preparation.
"By the skin of one's teeth"[13]Narrowly; barely. Usually used in regard to a narrow escape from a disaster.[note 5]
"Call it a day"[14]To declare the end of a task.[note 6]
Cat napShort sleep.
"Chew the fat"To chat idly or generally waste time talking.
"Chink in one's armor"[15]An area of vulnerability[note 7]
"Clam up"To become silent; to stop talking, to shut up.
"Cold shoulder"[16]To display aloofness and disdain.
"Couch potato"[17]A lazy person.
"Cut a rug"To dance
"Cut the cheese"To pass gas, fart, break wind
"Cut the mustard"To succeed; to come up to expectations.
"Don't have a cow "Don't overreact.
"Drop a dime "Make a telephone call; to be an informant.
"Fit as a fiddle"[18]In good physical health.
"For a song"Almost free. Very cheap.
"From A to Z"Covering a complete range; comprehensively.
"From scratch / to make from scratch"Make from original ingredients; start from the beginning with no prior preparation
"Get bent out of shape"To take offense; to get worked up, aggravated, or annoyed
"Have a blast"[19]To have a good time or to enjoy oneself.
"Have eyes in the back of one's head "Someone can perceive things and events that are outside of their field of vision.
"Hit the road "To leave.
"Hit the sack "/sheets/hayTo go to bed.
"Let the cat out of the bag "To reveal a secret.
"Kick the bucket"Euphemism for dying or death.
"Off one's trolley" or
"Off one's rocker"
[20]Crazy, demented, out of one's mind, in a confused or befuddled state of mind, senile.[note 8]
"Off the hook"[21]To escape a situation of responsibility, obligation, or (less frequently) danger.
"Pop one's clogs" (UK)Euphemism for dying or death.
"Piece of cake "A job, task or other activity that is pleasant – or, by extension, easy or simple.
"Pull somebody's leg"To tease or to joke by telling a lie.
"Pushing up daisies"Euphemism for dying or death.
"Put the cat among the pigeons"[22]To create a disturbance and cause trouble.
"Right as rain"[23]Needed, appropriate, essential, or hoped-for and has come to mean perfect, well, absolutely right.[note 9]
"Screw the pooch"To screw up; to fail in dramatic and ignominious fashion.
"Shoot the breeze"To chat idly or generally waste time talking.
"Sleep with the fishes"Euphemism for dying or death.[note 10]
"Spill the beans"Reveal someone's secret.
"Split the whistle"To arrive just on time.
"Take the biscuit (UK)"To be particularly bad, objectionable, or egregious.
"Take the cake (US)"To be especially good or outstanding.
"Through thick and thin"Both good and bad times.
"Thumb one's nose"To express scorn or to disregard.
"Trip the light fantastic"To dance
"Under the weather"[24]Feel sick or poorly
"You can say that again"That is very true; expression of wholehearted agreement

miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011


Name: __________________________________________________
Course: _10 Y 11
Hello, my name is Juan Carlos, I am 15 years old, I am from Medellin. Medellin is a big and beautiful city, it is the capital of the department of Antioquia (Colombia); it has many beautiful places as well as Botero Museum, the cemetery of San Pedro, the Explora park, Botero’s park, the EEPP intelligent building, the zoo, the botanical garden, Los Pies Descalzos park, libraries parks, El Pueblito Paisa, the exposition palace and the metro system for transportation and many other places of public interest; as well as plaza Botero, the lighting through Medellin river avenue and majority of the streets.
In December, Medellin is visited by many tourists from in and outside the country, It has some universities: Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Universidad de Antioquia, Universidad Nacional, Universidad Eafit, Universidad Autonoma and others.
In the second week of august, we celebrate a very important festivity, the exhibition of flowers. In this festival, farmers of St. Helena, business men and others persons prepare “chairs” adorned with flowers, and paraded through the streets in a lovely caravan, there is popular (musical) concerts; myths and legends parades, this event is used by people from many countries for business, because this festivity is a great opportunity for having it. Medellin is an important touristic and commercial city of Colombia. Have you participated of these events?

A. Traduzca la lectura a español.
B. Pase el verbo to be que está en presente al pasado y resáltelo en la lectura.
C. Responda las siguientes preguntas de acuerdo a la lectura:

1. The name of the festivity is:
a) The flower festivity
b) Botero festivity
c) Medellin festivity
d) Park festivity

2. Two touristic places are:
a) Botero museum and commercial
b) The cemetery of San Pedro and Botero museum
c) The libraries parks and the flower
d) The zoo and the school

3. One of the places of public interest in December is:
a) The alpujarra building
b) The cemetery of San Pedro
c) The Medellin river avenue lighting
d) The flower festivity

4. Medellin is:
a) An important flower in Colombia
b) An important pop music in Colombia
c) An important commercial city in Colombia
d) An important metro station in Colombia

5. Juan Carlos is:
a) Ten years old
b) Twenty years old
c) One year old
d) Fifteen years old

6. The festivity of the flower is:
a) In august
b) In July
c) In February
d) In October

7. Some sites mentioned in the text are:
a) Park, house, chair, universities, Botero, flower and pop music
b) Museum, zoo, intelligent building, St. Helena, Medellin and universities
c) Festivity, universities, tourist, Medellin, myths and legend, and Antioquia
d) Important, parks, festival, music, universities and metro cable.

8. The verb that best completes the following sentence MEDELLIN ____________ A BIG AN BEAUTIFUL CITY is:
a) Am
b) Are
c) Is
d) You

9. The cemetery of San Pedro and plaza Botero _______________ touristic places
a) Is
b) She
c) Am
d) Are

10. In the flower festivity the chairs are adorned with:
a) Lights
b) Parks
c) Festivals
d) Flower